Hello friends. Here's a somewhat disturbing/brutally honest Nikki D song/video with a chill sample, nods to the Electra complex, and fly dancing. I hadn't heard this track in yearssss until last week's brilliant Old School At Noon in which Mr. Cee debated "Who's the greatest female rapper of all time?" (spoiler alert: callers agreed it was Lauryn Hill which honestly surprised me).
Secondly, Here are some pics from a recent trip to scenic Paterson, NJ...
Halloween Room
Da Spot aka a mattress store
Okay, I fucked up here. I didn't scale the undies against any other object/garment in their environment. But TRUST ME these were HUGE and STAINED.
Tigger saves baby's life
What exactly is this for?????? (besides breeding all types of germs)
Here's something: I think I kinda like John Cusack
Finally, some bad stuff happened today/last night that bummed me out (I know I know sob sob, but for real...), and my co-worker got me a cupcake. Though I admittedly don't have much of a sweet tooth, I have THE technique for eating these things. If you don't do it this way too, you're a damn idiot:
Step 1: Hold the cupcake firmly in one hand and, working from the bottom, remove half of the "cake"
Step 2: Take the severed bottom half of the cake and place it securely on top of the cupcake's iced top
Step Three: Now you're ready to eat the first cupcake of your whole miserable fucking life that has a perfectly proportioned icing-to-cake ratio. Bite it. Chew. Swallow. Spread the word.
Peace in the Middle East
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